Friday, August 28, 2015

Little Moments

a particularly neat chalk drawing for Hannah

Miles reading a story to Hannah

the kids loved when their favorite Canadian friends came for a visit

Celene took Theo in the pool :)

he loves his baths!

put them in a pile of sand and they are all happy

Miles building "Mount Ararat" (his words)

Theo climbing the jungle gym

Celene caught a huge yellow swallowtail

Celene and her cousin Charlotte paddle boarding for the first time!

she did awesome!

"I made it back to shore Mom!"

Eli and his cousin Addy playing in the sand

Eli loves Grandpa's corn-on-the-cob!

This is how Theo sits in his high-chair
Celene's handful of hail she gathered during a summer storm two weeks ago

Miles' hail

he's always so cheerful when he wakes up. such a gift!

shawn took this shot of colorful clouds over our house

finally got a batch of pickles that actually taste good and aren't mush! yay!

Shawn's Annual Work Picnic

They always make it such a nice time for the kids!

arm painting

Celene's art

inside the bounce house

the kids' friend Jozie smiling at Theo through the netting

Miles' camo arm painting

clown magic show

bubbles with the clown

Moments Captured Lately

a sweet moment

 shot through the windshield on my way home from a photoshoot

Papa and Thumper helping mama at a wedding photoshoot :)

Sprinkler Park Fun With Friends

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Some Quotes Lately...

...that I don't want to forget.

Miles: "Mom, there just isn't anything better than a baby."
Me: "Yeah? Why?"
Miles: "Because nothing in the world loves you like a baby."
*heart melting*


Miles: "I just love that Eli still has dimples on his hands."


Hannah: "Mom. I just catched this fly and pulled the legs off so it buzzes, and I'm gonna put in the spider web in the barn and watch it wrap it up."


Eli's 2 Year Old Vocabulary

Tractee - Tractor
Guckie - Truck
Frogen - Frog
Bahth - Bath
Chuch - Church
Gawles - Glasses
Buh-bye - Bye Bye
Pahnts - Pants
Shoos - Shoes
Joos - Juice
Mows - Miles
Nene - Celene
Nena - Hannah
Bahbee - Baby Theo
Nanna - Banana
Blobby - Bottle of milk
Ni-night - Night-night
Jammeeth - Jammies
Keekee - Blankie
Ma-bop-bop - Pipe (pacifier)
Gheeth - Teeth
Pway - Pray
Side - Outside
Mahmma - Gramma
No! - Yes
Yeth - Yes
Moos - Cows
Ghwing - Swing
Nock - Snack
Pay - Play
Bohg - Bug
Kini - Zucchini
Cheeth - Cheese
Jackee - Jacket
Bahh - Sheep

And I will think of more!
