Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Sunday Walk

We discovered a lovely trail around Gerber Lake area.
What a treasure!

Farm See-Saw

I enjoyed watching the kids gather some materials to make a homemade see-saw. :)

Life on the Farm

Spring has brought new farm friends,
while we still love up the old ones.

baby chicks!!!



Hannah's rabbit Cocoa (aka Boing Boing)

Celene's old cat Taffy

Celene taking her hamster Hammie out for some sunshine

And Now They are Brown Belts!

Miles and Celene worked very hard on Saturday and passed their testing into brown belts!
That is the last color before black, the ultimate color for any of the martial arts.
Another year or two or three of hard work awaits them as they work towards black belts.
For now, they are still enjoying it!

performing hand grab techniques

watching the board breaks

Unfortunately, I have no pictures of the board breaks this time.
The kids broke their boards quickly and I wanted to be sure I got video of it.
However, I have found, for some reason, I cannot get the video uploaded here.

being quizzed by Master Heller

getting a scrubbing by Master Heller