We celebrated with some family time...
...a little egg hunt which thrilled the kids with new animal erasers, little toys, candy, and money...
...and a campfire supper :)
Celene's moon phases project :) |
playing doctor |
sweet Loppy helping Theo with school |
our family experienced the pain of losing our favorite pet this week the kids did all they could to comfort Loppy in his last hour |
Goodbye Loppy :( |
Hannah attempted to rescue an injured robin |
but it unfortunately died anyway |
enjoying an Electric Monopoly game with Dad |
celebrating at Grandma's with cousins |
and at home yesterday with family |
Celene's photo out the van window last week...we've had the most amazing sunsets lately |
kids found a large bird print near the river...turkey? heron? crane? photo credit Miles |
the river near our friends house photo credit Miles |
also near the river photo credit Miles |
We've had the most interesting spring weather...here's a lovely shot Shawn took...it's snowing while the sun is shining! |
Celene is making a pom pom garland for her birthday decorations |
Celene made these Rice Krispie balls dipped in chocolate and sprinkles! photo credit Celene |
the kids enjoyed a bike ride with Grandma photo credit Miles |
the Falls photo credit Miles |
playing in a house they made outside on a warm afternoon |
hard to see - but it's snow/hailing - photo credit Celene |
This is what was falling from the sky in the previous picture..so interesting! It was cold like snow, but felt sort of "pluffy" (kids term) like foam photo credit Hannah |
another amazing sunset |
Jack found his way to Celene's bed - little bugger |