Friday, November 13, 2020

Last 2 Weeks


It's getting colder outside so the rabbits are in the house more.
I confess to enjoy seeing their furry friendly little persons hopping about.

Miles and Celene bought gerbils! Meet Pluto and Tobin.

They are hard to hold on to!

Of course with all the election flurry going on, Shawn took the kids to wave flags and cheer on the street corners in Plymouth. ;)

We voted and got our stickers!

During horse lessons I took Hannah and Cole to enjoy the Marsh Park for an hour.

The quail are growing. We enjoy them. They are funny little creatures.

Somehow we ended up with just Eli and Theo one Friday evening.
We took them out for supper where they got to enjoy special drinks like root beer and hot cocoa!

The boys were thrilled to find a train passing through town at high speeds!

It gets dark so early now, but it doesn't stop us from enjoying the park during the older kids piano lessons!

back seat sillies after taekwondo class - photo credit Miles

the cats try to sneak in more often with the chilly weather

Celene faithfully studied her snowmobile safety class books and passed her test last Saturday!
Now she's licensed to drive on the trails this winter. 

Celene's Horse Riding Lessons


Celene has waiting a long time for these moments.

She's in love. :)