Monday, November 19, 2012

Miles' First School Program

There's always a time for firsts, and this was one event Miles had been dreading for weeks. We studied and explained and practiced his parts, until he knew them in his sleep. We wanted him to be prepared and to have an easy time at his first program. All of you that know him have experienced him to be friendly, amiable, outgoing child, who loves people and easily to talks to anyone, adult or child alike. However, there was something about this uncharted territory of entertaining that had him terrified. Going through the practices at school, he said his parts perfectly, sang his songs with pride, and seemed pretty excited to be a part of whatever was soon to happen that had his fellow school-mates all excited. When it was time to begin, he calmly grouped with his friends and teachers and marched into the gym (where the event was held) with a smile on his face. There was no sign of the inner turmoil, and he had even his mother fooled into thinking that somehow he'd mastered his nervousness.

He sang all the songs with joy and pride, but when it was time to say his parts, he paled, teared up, and refused to say a word. Somehow, in his failure, he stole the hearts of every spectator in the crowd, his teachers and fellow students alike. 

My mama heart ached these past weeks, that every time we talked about the program (in a very positive and exciting way, of course) he got upset and nervous. I felt his fear, and ached for the burden his little heart was bearing. Part of me wanted to pull my mama-weight, and tell his teachers that my little son wasn't ready to perform. But yet, another part of me knew this was going to be a part of the learning and developing his little mind and body needed to experience...and we know our children will succeed at everything they set out to do, because we, as parents, are here to help them and support them every step of the way. It was also a great opportunity to teach Miles to place his worst fears and cares at the feet of his Lord in prayer, which he did daily.

A note must be included about his teachers and student-friends who so kindly supported him and loved him, and didn't judge. How they covered for him when he balked. There's nothing that warms a mother's heart more than when another child automatically reaches out to comfort and support when her child is upset.

I'm so proud of my sweet, smart son. No, he didn't say his parts, but he did know them, and he sang every song, every verse with a brave smile. 
Now isn't that winning? 

This photo is so special to me. It shows how pale (green) he got, and the instant supporting hands from both teachers and student-friends that reached out to comfort him, when mama was too far away.
Fighting tears and dear Mrs. Hause trying to help. :)
He liked singing the songs!
Our dear, oh-so-talented music teacher, Mrs. Stapel
The final song. It's time for cake!

Thank you to all Miles' family and friends who came and showed your support. We enjoyed having you, and Miles loved showing off his classrooms and projects.

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