Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Happy 6th Birthday Eli!

Eli is 6!
Cant be.

Lake Visit

Last week, we took a warm evening to roam around the lake front and river walk.
Lovely time.

Celebration at Grandma's!

Birthdays for Shawn, Celene, Eli, Zinnia and Juniper
Mother's Day

Last Week

Miles' basement friend..a blue spotted salamander

This fabric was $3 in the sale bin, I couldn't resist!

So I made her a skirt. She chose the purple ribbon. ;)

Celene and Theo enjoying the sunshine and sharing the art wallet Celene got for her birthday :)

Celene's geography final!

Our dearest cousins graduated college!
Cherith - dental hygienist
Julia - dental technician (and our favorite piano teacher ever!!)

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Guinea Fowl Chicks

We have a sweet little box of 5 guinea chicks in our mud room right now.
They are tiny and cute and funny, and the kids (and us) are charmed.
With the alarming number of ticks we pulled off our animals and ourselves last summer,
we did some research and thought it prudent to try raising some.
Interestingly, the University of Wisconsin in Madison did a study, 
and they found that 3 guinea hens can effectively rid a 2 mile radius of ticks in a 2 month period.
How accurate that is, no one can tell, but we thought it worth a try!
When our dear friends asked if we would like to split an order with them, we jumped at the chance!
Hopefully it goes well and they do a good job of ridding us of our tick population.

Last Week

the boys setting up an outside go fish game at Grandma's

The kids and I picked 20 trash bags of litter from just half of one small pond near our local Walmart!
It's a sweet little pond that is popular with nesting ducks, geese, and cranes, and we couldn't believe the amount of trash around it. So we did as much as we could, without disturbing the nests already in progress.
Next year, we'll have to try to go sooner, before the birds start nesting.

Theo's chalk runway in the driveway :)

Theo and his favorite stuffed dog "Plop"

the big kids busily working on penmanship 

Shawn took the kids to a little circus that came through the boys are thrilled with their first taste of cotton candy! :)