Monday, September 21, 2020

Autumn Camping in Door County Post 2


Fish Boil experience

cooking fish and vegetables outside

fish boil dinner

the boys conquered their chopping log and carried it to the campfire for burning :)

playground at night

multi-level breakfast cooking

kids found a walking stick bug

it was one well-loved, much-touched walking stick bug

throwing hatchets

playing football 500 in the streets

Autumn Camping in Door County Post 1



the boys were given the challenge to chop through this log before the camping trip was over...and they did it!

early morning hot cocoa

playing beanbag toss

decorating their bikes with glow sticks at night

hilltop views

Lake Michigan cliffs

nature art

beautiful Lake Michigan

Hannah's fort

Playing "Rocks and Roots" (you can only step on the rocks and roots, not the ground)

Bike ride with 16!

Mix of Last Week


Theo practicing flips off a friends diving board

Miles and Dad went with friends to the racetrack

Theo and Ellie love climbing trees

The California wildfires smoke has reached all the way here!

Campfire games with friends

Our friends came for a visit in their big army truck!

all the kids got rides in it :)

Shawn took the kids out for breakfast Saturday morning

Mocha got Thanksgiving dinner in his cage before leaving for a camping trip

Celene is getting ready to sell her bunny Enzo